Garden Journey

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” - Romans 12:15

In the summer of 2021, the St. John Lutheran’s Missions Committee decided to focus on a new, unique project which would be a ministry to those in the church and an outreach opportunity to our community.

The idea was to create a garden as a place of remembrance and mourning for those who have had an abortion or lost an unborn baby due to a miscarriage or stillbirth. With these types of losses, one of the most difficult hurtles to move forward from is the lack of a grave.

The hope is that men and women will have the ability to come to a physical garden and lay their burdens down at the foot of the cross as they participate in a memorial for their lost loved one.



With the help of our Handyman Ministry, in August 2021 we were able to install the 7’ tall metal structure created by local Black Dog Salvage artisan metal workers. This ironwork would will be a focal point of the Garden by displaying the padlocks brought by the families looking to honor their unborn children.


Using beautiful tri-toned stone, builder Milo Sanchez from Stone Foundation and Restoration transformed the blank space between the parking lots into a place of future prayer with a focused cross designed walk way and comfortable curved stone benches.


Volunteers from the Sanctity of Life committee worked hard to plant and mulch the space to get the space ready for the dedication service in September 2021.


To add the final touch, two statues were brought in to bring the garden to life and serve as a image for anyone coming to remember their child in Heaven.


help after an abortion, garden for the unborn black dog salvage gate salvage dogs

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

Psalm 34:8


Love Conquers