Blog Posts

Christine S Christine S


How can you remember someone who wasn’t even given a name?

Though some precious lives may be unknown, unseen, unborn, and unnamed to those here on the earth, there is never a soul who stands nameless before God. 

Even when a child never receives an earthly name, God calls that precious one His own. “Child of God,” “His Own,” and “Chosen One” supersede human names, given or not given…

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Christine S Christine S

Create A Memorial with DIY Padlocks

As you prepare to come to the Remembrance Garden for the Unborn to add a padlock in honor of your child on the large cross gate, one way to open your heart in preparation is to choose a unique padlock to represent you and your family, or to embellish a lock in memory of the baby.

Creativity with your unborn’s padlock is one way to not only connect with your loss more tangibly, but also gives you an opportunity to spend time lingering on the child you never got to see in person…

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Christine S Christine S

Transformation is Calling

When life seems out of control and the enclosing darkness is all around you, it can be hard to remember there is another phase of life God is calling you to. A life filled with abundant hope, being unified with Jesus through true and lasting repentance.

Below is a collection of what God promises you. Whether you are in a season of sorrow, remorse, or just feel overall disconnected, the Lord is with you. He is ready to help and transform you into a new creation, where you can finally fly and be free…

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Christine S Christine S

Love Conquers

Have you ever felt something you have done or were involved with was unforgivable? Did the shame of it eventually lead to an overwhelming loneliness where you weren’t sure if you deserved to come out of it?

Below is a collection of what God promises you. You are never alone, never unforgivable, and never beyond His love for you…

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Christine S Christine S

Garden Journey

The idea was to create a garden as a place of remembrance and mourning for those who have had an abortion or lost an unborn baby due to a miscarriage or stillbirth. With these types of losses, one of the most difficult hurtles to move forward from is the lack of a grave…

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